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St. Colmcille's Primary School, Ballymena, Co Antrim

News - Year 6

19th Jun 2024
Miss McKinley’s Year 6 class had an amazing day at the Northern Regional College's...
7th Jun 2024
The Primary 6 girls had an exciting day at St. Louis on Thursday, where they were...
30th May 2024
Year 6 were thrilled to participate in the ‘Mini Olympic’ event held...
30th May 2024
Our Year 6 pupils have been participating in a programme called ‘PeacePlayers’...
14th Apr 2024
Miss McKinley’s Year 6 class had the pleasure of hosting Geoff Maskell, the...
26th Mar 2024
Our Year 6 pupils have been learning about the work of Fairtrade and the impact it...
25th Mar 2024
Ten pupils from Miss McKinley’s Year 6 class took part in their first ever...
6th Feb 2024
Year 6 pupils were thrilled to have Mark Garside, a player from the Belfast Giants,...
29th Jan 2024
We had a special visitor in Year 6 to help us to understand how to look after our...
25th Jan 2024
St. Colmcille’s council members participated in a ‘Shared Education’...