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St. Colmcille's Primary School, Ballymena, Co Antrim

Year 7


Fun with Maths.

In Year 7 this half term the pupils were involved in fun maths activities. They used Izak 9 cubes which develops team work and resilience through problem solving.

In ICT the pupils used their knowledge of 2D shapes and angles to write code using the app Hopscotch to produce complex patterns.

String art is the arrangement of coloured thread strung between points to form geometrical patterns. The pupils investigated initially on paper how straight lines can be drawn to give the appearance of curves. They then progressed to using needles and thread to produce their own string art masterpieces.



26th Jun 2024
A massive well done to all the children in Year 7 for their performance of The Lion...
7th Jun 2024
The Year 7 children had a wonderful time on their residential in Gartan this term....
17th Apr 2024
Well done to the boys and girls who were selected to represent the school at the...